Faculty Member: John K. Grubb, Family Law Attorney, MBA (accounting and finance) Facilitator: Dan Couvrette, CEO and Publisher of Divorce Magazine, Family Lawyer Magazine, and DivorcedMoms.com When borders are involved, child custody issues become more complex. In this podcast, John K. Grubb discusses international divorce and family law and...

Faculty Member: John K. Grubb, Family Law Attorney, MBA (accounting and finance) Facilitator: Dan Couvrette, CEO and Publisher of Divorce Magazine, Family Lawyer Magazine, and DivorcedMoms.com In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Obergfell v. Hodges ended up legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide. However, does same-sex divorce work the...

Faculty Member: John K. Grubb, Family Law Attorney, MBA (accounting and finance) Facilitator: Dan Couvrette, CEO and Publisher of Divorce Magazine, Family Lawyer Magazine, and DivorcedMoms.com This session looks at how an experienced lawyer can help business professionals secure assets, property, and income – or how the...

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