michele-lowranceThe Dean of The Divorce School

The Divorce School is excited to have Hon. Michele F. Lowrance (Ret.) as the Dean. With more than four decades of experience as a family lawyer and judge, Judge Lowrance now applies her unique problem-solving abilities to mediating family law issues. A child of divorce and divorced herself, she brings a personal perspective to her Divorce School sessions.

“I am thrilled and honored to be the Dean of The Divorce School. I look forward to contributing to the school’s mission of helping people make better choices during their divorce.” – Michele Lowrance.

Martha ChanA Message from the Founder of The Divorce School

Every day is a new day, a chance to learn something new, do something different, and adopt a new attitude. Or not.

Most of us already know that knowledge is power; the more information we have the better choices we will make. Even one good choice can alter the course of a divorce and transform its outcome.

I encourage you to be open to the advice and possibilities presented to you as you attend the sessions of The Divorce School. I also urge you to take the guidance offered and put it into immediate action. You may not like or agree with everything you hear, but when you try them out, you just may find new ways to deal with your difficult ex-spouse or a seemingly hopeless situation. I hope, as a result of attending The Divorce School, you will make better choices for you and your family. – Martha Chan

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